Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Coming Soon to the Screen Near You!

Finally, i am enlightened to create my own blog. My friend ( yes, you Lester...) keep pestering me to create a blog. it is not that i was not into blogging..it is just..i dont have enough time to have one. trust not a girl who only wrote 2 entries in her diary in a year! let's just hope this one could last longer that that...

so why i choose outlandish adventure...well coz i am quite an outlandish ( i guess) and i view life as a neverending adventure... creepy creatures might lurk somewhere in the dark, waitting to prey on me... there are times i might fall into an endless pit and perhaps discover priceless treasure.... alright enough with the drama!

Anyway, this is just a preview for the upcoming posts...gonna get my new camera soon so just wait for more interesting posts:)! with months of holiday ahead... i am loooking forward to more adventures (well..it started this morning when i slipped in front of Taylor's gate...ouch!)
All Systems Go!! check out this cool poster....pay attention to the details..hehe


Anonymous said...

hey I'm the first one here...hehehe

Portia_Darling said...

haha..thanks les!!!! takda org pun yg comment..how pathetic....huhu

Anonymous said...

ahh..now ada orang la =) finally!you got a blog! join the club of infrequent updating..hehe =) will link you soon..